Posts Tagged ‘racing’

Ode to my wife.

Posted: May 5, 2008 in Life!
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Because she loves me, that’s why! How do I know this?

We left to the airport, just her and I,
Fighting the traffic, we did try.

Arriving to the airport, just 10 past 8,
We kiss goodbye, as I walk to my gate.

As I check in, I give my passport a little whirl.
On my gosh! The passport I have, is a little girl!!

My wife’s old passport, I hold in my hand,
My heart is beating loudly, like a marching band!

I call my wife, bless her heart,
She races home, to do her part.

She must get back to the airport, before my flight leaves.
Rush, honey! Rush, honey, if you please!

Without an argument, without a fight,
She leaves in a hurry, to get me on my flight.

Blurring phone poles, and speed racing instincts
She must get back, before my flight becomes extinct.

Moments before it’s too late, she arrives saving the day.
She had been on the road, almost four hours today!!

My wife is great, my wife rocks!!!
She is everything I ever wanted, wrapped in a box.

I love you, Tammy! Thank you so much for taking care of me today! I appreciate you, and everything you do!!